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6 Genius Tips for a Smooth House Move When You Have Young Kids

By Jamie Richardson | October 31, 2022

Life with young kids is never straightforward, and that’s definitely true when you’ve got a major event like a house move to handle.

It’s not just the practical realities of preparing for the move while looking after the little ones as well; you’ve also got to think about how the whole process impacts their health and happiness.

Rather than putting off a potentially life-changing move because of anxiety over how complex it will be, use the following tips and you’ll get where you want to go without the drama.

kids moving

Keeping their bedrooms intact until the last moment

A child’s bedroom should be a safe space where they can feel most comfortable, yet during a move, it’s often painful for them to see all their things packed away.

To minimize the distress, prioritize packing every other room in the house ahead of the kids’ bedrooms. Then when you arrive at your new home, focus on unpacking their rooms first, for the same reason.

You can make things easier by using storage to keep toys and other items in their rooms tidy and easy to move from day to day.

Letting them help

As we all know, children are naturally curious about what’s going on around them, so if they see their parents packing boxes, they’ll want to get involved.

Be prepared for this, and have boxes available that they can pack with you. These don’t have to be decoys; just be prepared to rearrange items after bedtime. And of course, make sure that the things they pack aren’t fragile; toys and books are best for this reason.

Choosing the right moving company, e.g. in NYC

Picking a company that provides NYC moving services, or caters to your part of the country, is crucial. You want professionals who know what they’re doing on your side so that the move doesn’t place unwanted pressure on the careful balance of your family life.

People with young kids who have enough budget to spare should consider a high-end moving deal, which includes the packing of all your items. That way when moving day arrives, you can simply walk out of the house, go and spend a few hours keeping the children entertained, then head to your new property and revel in the fact that everything has been unpacked for you as well.

Talking them through what’s happening

Communicating with young kids is crucial, and you should definitely aim to explain that you’re moving long before it actually happens.

You want to introduce and demystify this idea sooner rather than later, and also answer any questions they might have as honestly as is reasonable.

Remember to be patient with them, as moving house is jarring for adults, and can be even more overwhelming for youngsters.

Maintaining routines

Another thing that children crave is routine, and moving might cause your normal schedule to go out the window.

While you don’t need to be too prescriptive about smaller things, it’s best to make sure you’re still hitting the major events of the day at the same time, no matter what. Meals are a top priority, as are nap times and bedtimes.

Getting help with childcare on moving day

The day of the big move is a time when having an extra pair of hands to look after the kids will be invaluable, so whether you’ve got friends or family members in the area who are able to help out, asking them for their involvement in advance is wise.

With all that in mind, you can approach moving house with optimism, and hope for a great outcome from the experience.

Jamie is a 5-year freelance writer who enjoys real estate. He is currently a Realty Biz News Contributor.
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