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Tips to follow if you are moving to New York for the first time

By RealtyBiz News | November 2, 2022

Moving to New York City is a big deal. You're taking the first step toward setting roots in one of the world's most exciting cities, but it can also be overwhelming. This guide will help you prepare for your move and make sure it goes as smoothly as possible.

New York

Choose the best place to live

Choosing the right neighborhood is an important step in starting your new life in New York. You want to ensure that you have a safe place for your family to live, with good schools and access to public transportation.

You should also consider how close or far it is from work and if the commute will be long, as this can affect how stressful your day-to-day life is.

It's also important to consider the cost of living in your new neighborhood, as well as whether or not there are many amenities nearby, such as restaurants and shops. You may want to spend some time walking around before you move into an apartment to get a feel for what it's like on an average day in that area of town (this helps avoid any surprises later!).

Invest in the right renters' insurance policy

Believe it or not, this is something so many homeowners would tell you: a renters insurance policy is a must-have if you're living in New York. It's a policy that provides financial protection against certain losses to your personal property, such as:

  • Losses covered by this policy include damage or loss caused by fire, smoke, theft, and vandalism.
  • It also pays to replace your belongings if they are stolen or damaged while stored

Renters insurance for New Yorkers usually comes at a slightly more expensive cost than the average figure. You can imagine your policy to cost you somewhat around $23.50/mo.

Take advantage of early check-in

Early check-in means you can start unpacking and getting settled in early, which is a huge bonus. The sooner you settle in, the more rested and relaxed you'll feel later on. You'll also get a head start on exploring the city and finding your way around, which will help make your stay enjoyable from day one.

Get to know your new neighborhood

If you're moving to New York City for the first time, getting to know your new neighborhood is especially important. You can learn a lot just by talking with neighbors and living in an area where you have access to local shops and restaurants. This will help you get settled quickly and make it easier for you to find jobs or services after moving into the city—which is key if you want to live here long-term!

Prepare for roaches and rats

The first thing to remember is that rodents are common in New York City, so don't be surprised if you find one of these critters in your home. However, if this happens, it's important to call an exterminator immediately. Though it may seem like a good idea to handle the problem yourself, there are certain steps that need to be taken with professional help.

If you're lucky enough not to find any roaches or rats in your home when moving into New York City for the first time, then congratulations! 

Pack light, don't bring things you won't use

New Yorkers are very minimalist when it comes to their homes. Having too much stuff makes it hard to move around and relax in your apartment or house. Plus, if you're renting in the city, space is at a premium, so packing lightly will help save you money on storage fees too!

Don't bring anything you won't use or get rid of before moving day. If you have been living out of boxes for months while waiting for your new place to be ready, throw away anything unnecessary so that all those boxes can be filled with essentials instead!

Be prepared for the weather

New Yorkers have a love-hate relationship with their climate. On one hand, it can be unbearably hot and humid in summer, with temperatures soaring above 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius). On the other hand, it's freezing cold during winter months when temperatures can drop below freezing point.

In addition to being prepared for extreme heat or cold, you should also be prepared for sudden changes in temperature throughout the year — especially during spring and fall when days are sunny while nights are still cool or even cold. Be sure to pack layers so that you can adjust according to your needs at any time of year.

Learn how public transportation works in New York City

New Yorkers use public transportation every day, but that doesn't mean it's easy to figure out how it works. You should familiarize yourself with routes and schedules before you start using them regularly. If you're moving into an apartment or condo building with an elevator, take note of what floor it stops on so that you can avoid climbing stairs all the way up to your unit if possible.

More importantly, learn the subway system. If you don't have a car, then you need to learn how the subway system works, so that you can get places quickly and efficiently without having to pay for expensive taxi fares or having to walk long distances from one place to another if there's no bus service available at that time of day or night.


Moving to New York is a big deal. Make it a positive experience by preparing ahead of time.

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