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How real estate agents are getting around the Do Not Call list

(MARKETING) Getting in touch with potential clients is the difference between sinking or swimming, so how does one get around the Do Not Call list!?

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One of the major challenges for cold calling as a real estate agent is that pesky Do Not Call list. There is a list of expired listings daily that you intend on calling – it’s a part of your strategy to earn new business, and good for you for never resting on your laurels.

But there are so many laws regarding who you can call and when. And of course laws that restrict your calling anyone on the Do Not Call registry.

Now, these laws are not new, in fact, it has been illegal to call anyone on the DNC list for a decade and a half.

So what is one to do?

Some agents are getting around the DNC list and it is so very clever.

Here is the playbook:

  • Agent: rings a phone number on the DNC list.
  • Consumer: answers phone, “Hello?”
  • Agent: hangs up on the Consumer.
  • Consumer: curious, calls the Agent back. “Did you just call me?”
  • Agent: “Oh yes, I just sold a home in your neighborhood at 12% over asking price, I would love to talk to you about an opportunity to sell your home in this tight market where home sellers are coming out on top and-“
  • Consumer: “I am on the Do Not Call list, it is illegal for you to call me, please remove me from your list.”
  • Agent: “Well, actually, you called me.”
  • Consumer: hangs up, starts to Google how to make a complaint with the FTC.

Sound legit?

It absolutely is not, and the Federal Trade Commission would agree.

The truth is that there is no way around the Do Not Call list, and there are so many nuanced laws on the topic, that brokerages today pour more resources into digital marketing efforts that are less likely to be flagged for illegalities.

If you practice real estate, and you’re making cold calls, the best option is to register as a telemarketer (which you are acting as when making cold calls) with the FTC, paying subscription dues, and only calling numbers NOT on the DNC list.

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Lani is the COO and News Director at The American Genius, has co-authored a book, co-founded BASHH, Austin Digital Jobs, Remote Digital Jobs, and is a seasoned business writer and editorialist with a penchant for the irreverent.


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