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Blockchain Home Registry: Homeowners should claim their address

Blockchain home registry lets homeowners claim a NFT of their property, giving access to a permanent, transferable, historical record.

Man using laptop to look at Blockchain Home Registry

Maintaining a record of real estate transactions on your home can be difficult, even in the digital age. A new company, Blockchain Home Registry is proposing to change that using Web3 technology.

BHR lets homeowners claim a verified NFT of their home, giving them a permanent, secure transferable record of all transactions on the home. The BHR Ecosystem powers integration across the digital highway, pulling data from lending institutions, title companies, utility providers, insurers, and more, to give homeowners more control over their real estate assets.

Why BHR?

Blockchain Home Registry comes to the market from the same people who created Torii Homes, a Boston-based company that leveraged the power of AI with the “personal touch of human-to-human customer service” that the real estate industry is known for.

The next stages of BHR support selling, instantaneous borrowing, and more, as Web3 evolves. BHR has a digital dashboard that makes updating information once the home is claimed. To claim a home, the homeowner must verify ownership, email, and identity through a step-by-step process. Photos of an ID card are required as are photos of the individual making the transaction.

BHR is in its early stages, allowing homeowners to claim their home’s NFT at a special discount.

The future of real estate is blockchain

Blockchain technology is considered immutable, making it secure across the board. It is predicted that this technology could prevent title or mortgage fraud when it becomes more mainstream.

BHR credits itself as being built to scale and putting homeowners at the center of the technology. Web3 technology can transform the real estate industry that is considered archaic in the digital age. BHR is an early innovator that can help homeowners maintain records of their biggest asset.

Dawn Brotherton is a Sr. Staff Writer at The American Genius with an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Central Oklahoma. She is an experienced business writer with over 10 years of experience in SEO and content creation. Since 2017, she has earned $60K+ in grant writing for a local community center, which assists disadvantaged adults in the area.


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