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30-day productivity challenge perfect for the pre-holiday slump

Productivity naturally ebbs and flows, but we often wait until a milestone like New Year’s Even to hit the reset, we challenge you to start tomorrow instead!

Person working at desk alone representing productivity

Oftentimes, we will get this spark of energy that motivates us to embark on bettering ourselves and improving our productivity. This may be a new diet idea, workout plan, or side hustle. Sadly, these don’t always get to fruition, as life sometimes gets in the way and the idea of a new undertaking is just too overwhelming.

What if it didn’t have to be overwhelming? What if you were able to better your life with just a little effort each day?

This is possible with monthly challenges you can set for yourself. What we’ll focus on today is productivity and how to make your everyday life more efficient.

Below, you’ll find a list of 30 ideas that you can complete within one month – some are easier than others, some are common sense, and others will leave you with aha moments.

Pick one a day to implement and stick with, and by the end of it all, you will have new habits and find more productivity in life – we guarantee it!

  1. Organize your email inbox. Take a few minutes to delete emails you don’t need or create folders that’ll make organization easier.
  2. Get a file folder and organize some documents. For example, break down each file into a category of bills, and file the paper away once each bill is paid. If you ever need it later on, you’ll know exactly where to find it.
  3. Make a to-do list for the week ahead. Pay close attention and see if having a to-do list helps you to be more productive and efficient. If it does, implement that into your routine.
  4. Keep track of your activities and see how long each of them takes. See if you can save yourself time by eliminating steps.
  5. Try setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier than normal.
  6. Make a playlist that will keep your energy elevated throughout the day.
  7. Set time aside to learn something new that might inspire you. Listen to a podcast, watch a Ted Talk, strike up an interesting conversation with someone, etc.
  8. Pick out your outfit the night before.
  9. If you’re working on a new goal, ask one of your friends or loved ones to check in on your progress. Sounds silly, but it actually helps to have accountability.
  10. Drink eight glasses of water throughout the day to keep you hydrated and alert.
  11. Clean out your desk. You probably don’t need that Pizza Hut flyer from 2005 anymore.
  12. Set a list of 5 goals and prioritize them by importance.
  13. Choose one habit you would like to improve and set a plan to actively work to better it.
  14. Alternatively, choose a habit you’d like to eliminate and work to lessen it.
  15. Make a new plan for self-care. Seriously.
  16. Only let something pass your desk once.
  17. Develop a positive and beneficial morning routine.
  18. Try and stop multitasking. Focus on one task at a time.
  19. Use a calendar to schedule your tasks.
  20. Silence your phone an hour before bedtime in order to decompress from technological stress.
  21. Switch up your working environment; it may spark inspiration.
  22. Make time for breaks to give your mind and body some rest.
  23. Like this list, break your tasks down into bite-sized pieces.
  24. If you commute by taking public transportation, use that time to read or listen to something inspiring. Don’t just mindlessly scroll through social media.
  25. Move your alarm clock across the room to force yourself to get out of bed when it goes off. Or if you use voice assistants as alarms, try a smartphone app that makes it more difficult to hit snooze.
  26. Go to bed at the same time each (week) night for a week. Do the weekend, too, if truly committed.
  27. Always keep a pad of paper and pen nearby to write down any helpful ideas that may pop into your head.
  28. Then, make time for these ideas to come to life.
  29. Try your best to leave work at work.
  30. Reward yourself for all of your efforts (this takes us back to #15).

And after these 30 days, you’ve set yourself up for productivity success – congrats!

Staff Writer, Taylor Leddin is a publicist and freelance writer for a number of national outlets. She was featured on Thrive Global as a successful woman in journalism, and is the editor-in-chief of The Tidbit. Taylor resides in Chicago and has a Bachelor in Communication Studies from Illinois State University.


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