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Omnichannel marketing can retain 89% of your customers

What is omnichannel marketing, and how can your company use it to skyrocket your marketing efforts and close more deals?

omnichannel marketing

Scrolling through Prime Days I looked for something I just couldn’t live without, but it didn’t take long for me to see I wasn’t feeling it, so I clicked to my email and saw a marketing email from a retailer I had clicked on through Instagram the day before.

The email included photos of the cute dresses I’d looked at. Cool. But no. So I switched over to Facebook and in my scrolling saw the company story. The retailer had started their store because they couldn’t find what they wanted in stores today. They shared more about themselves. And they included dresses like the ones I’d looked at in the story on models who looked like me.

They also included the chance for a Prime Shopping coupon if I signed up for their emails.


Armed with my handy dandy coupon, I clicked through the photos and chose three possibilities then stopped. I didn’t complete the transaction because I’ve been burned by online clothes shopping, so no.

Instead I jumped back on Facebook and asked people I knew in real life if they had experience with the store. The positive response was swift.

That night I had an email from the store letting me know I’d left something in my basket.

Usually I’d be annoyed by this. But their story from Facebook resonated with me. Instead of being annoyed, I actually love the store’s ads and their models and their emails.

I’ll be a customer for life.

Marketing is money and with today’s technology, more personal marketing is easier and more effective than ever.

That personal marketing, omnichannel marketing, can give brands an extra edge.

Multichannel marketing looks at the specific channel and how the transaction will be completed there.

Omnichannel marketing is a form of multichannel marketing, but instead of focusing on selling the item, brand marketers are focused on developing a strong relationship with the consumer across multiple channels.

According to an Invesp report from May, companies using strong omnichannel consumer engagement strategies retain 89% of their customers.

While omnichannel is definitely a marketing buzzword, it’s a buzzword for a reason. Building strong customer relationships leads to brand loyalty and sales. And in today’s world where consumers are bombarded with marketing messages, building relationships and solidifying the brand’s story in invaluable.

Fortunately when it comes to strong omnichannel marketing, businesses aren’t reinventing the wheel.

To be effective, businesses need to know their story. They need a strong brand identity and they need to know how that identity connects to the consumer. Personalization in marketing is key, so data-drive marketing is essential.

Businesses engaging in omnichannel marketing need to know their why and they need to have a strong plan in place for how to implement their strategies.
A/B testing will still be essential to success.

Use marketing automation tools and consider finding outside help if needed. Remember – sales alone are not enough. The customer’s journey needs to be seamless and pleasant. Strong customer service is needed throughout the consumer’s journey.

Today while scrolling through TikTok, the brand I engaged with earlier in the week was showcased by regular people who reminded me of me, sharing their happy stories. Full circle omnichannel marketing. I’m a fan. Time to go shopping.

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Mary Beth Lee retired from teaching in Texas this year after 28 years as a student media adviser. She spends her time these days reading, writing, fighting for public education and enjoying the empty nester life in Downtown Fort Worth.


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