The Friday Rant: Mind Your Own Business!

The Friday Rant

12 minute read

December 4, 2020

What is news?

By definition, for one, I would ask.  By colloquial understanding, for another, I would ask as well.

What is newsworthy?

Maybe we don’t want to answer that.  Considering what people, given life by whatever God they believe in, choose to waste time on in 2020, it’s appalling, at times.  Especially when it comes to what they read, or don’t.

Willful ignorance has long been a pet peeve of mine, as I watch society sink lower and lower, and aspire not only to mediocrity – but at times to constantly placate the lowest common denominator.  Not knowing something, or even worse, not caring, has never been more en vogue.

But maybe those who read the “wrong” news, or don’t read news at all, aren’t to blame.  After all, is there any actual news out there anymore?

“Fake News,” shouts the most powerful man in the world, as a legion of ignorant troglodytes hang on his every word.

But is CNN real news, any more than Fox News is real news?  How sad is it that we might trust the BBC for North American news, more than North American news outlets, in 2020?

There used to be a difference between journalists and columnists.  There was once a distinction between news-reporting and editorials.  Today, every piece of news reporting is an editorial, the slant or spin of which depends on the publication, and which way that publication “leans.”

I’m a blogger.  So perhaps I have no leg on which to stand here.  “Blogging” is essentially the lowest form of journalism, if you can even call it journalism.  But damn, if I’m not authentic.  And I never disguise my opinions as anything but.

Today’s newspaper reporters are taking liberties that I don’t know I’ve ever seen before.

I understand their plight.  I do.

A former columnist at a major Toronto newspaper, with whom I had a long-lasting professional relationship, was forced out years ago, along with many of her old colleagues, to make room for newer, younger “journalists” who were better suited to find images to put online to solicit clicks, re-tweets, and shares.  It was sad when she and her colleagues left, and in my opinion, the newspaper has never been the same.

But journalism hasn’t been the same, and it never will be.

How can we expect journalistic integrity and accuracy in a world where the President of the United States freely spouts outrageous lies over breakfast; fantastically-concocted stories that inspire widespread mistrust, hate, and at times, violence?

This is the world in which we live, and it’s changed all of us to our very core.  Not just by what we read, but how we think, and how we act on those thoughts.

With the Internet at our fingertips, we all act without thinking twice, often without thinking once.

No longer having to physically face those around us, we have become keyboard warriors, from our proverbial basements, or otherwise.

Society and the media both have taken a step backward in this regard.

Out there today, there is a “trending” news story, if you can actually call it news, about an evil developer in Mimico who recently conspired with neer-do-wellers to bulldoze an irreplaceable piece of Canada’s history, all in the pursuit of ill-gotten gains.

Er, I mean, that’s what the story, the author, and the supporting cast of characters would have the readers believe.  That is, if the readers made it past the misleading headlines, which sadly, many readers out there today never do.

Not one, not two, but three articles were published on this subject by the Toronto Star, and now I will collectively point out the inaccuracies of the contents of these articles, the true motives of the cast of characters involved, and how a major Toronto media source was all-too-eager to provide clickbait, and in the process, was used without knowing it.

The first article ran on November 28th:

“Mimico Neighbourhood Rallies To Preserve Historic Home From Demolition”

The article begins:

“A Mimico neighbourhood is rallying to preserve a cottage-style home dating back to at least 1923, with two residents going as far as sitting in front of a bulldozer to prevent its demolition.”

Read merely this, and you might think that, perhaps, there’s some merit to the story, and the efforts of the neighbours.

But do some digging, any digging, and you might conclude, as I did, that these are wasted efforts, by people with too much time on their hands, for a useless cause.

This house was a dilapidated piece of crap, and nothing more.  It was sold as land value, and nothing more.  It would only ever be torn down and rebuilt, and nothing more.  And the neighbours, who called reporters in and were photographed and quoted in three newspaper articles, all have ulterior motives.

The article continues:

Alexander Basso, owner of the property, received a permit for demolitionon Wednesday according to city records.

But neighbours were upset that he was about to go ahead while they were still fighting to get the home its heritage designation. The matter is to be heard at the Toronto Preservation Board on Monday.

Ah yes, there’s the “outing” of the owner of the property, Alexander Basso.

I don’t know Mr. Basso.  I have never met him, never spoken to him.  But I do, evidently, know people that he knows.  After reading these three articles between last Saturday and this past Wednesday, I decided to look into this.  Once I started, I dug deeper.  I talked to more people.  And what I found was extremely disappointing.

Publishing Mr. Basso’s name in the first article doesn’t fit the definition of “doxing,” but that didn’t stop others from doing so later.  Noble, brave, keyboard warriors, those folks are.

The idea that this property ever should have received a heritage designation is outlandish, but also consider that there are “listed” properties and “designated” properties, and merely being listed is not the same thing as designated.  So for the neighbours, fighting this “cause,” the entire process was needless, especially when you consider the condition of the property.

Here’s the MLS listing for the property, 98 Superior Avenue, from January of 2020:

mls listing

Sure looks like something worth preserving, right?

“Lot Value Only” says the listing agent himself, representing the seller.

The Toronto Star article continues to explain how neighbours in the area are heartbroken, torn up, and caught off guard by the idea that somebody would want to tear down such a beautiful piece of crap, that was left unkempt for fifteen years, was full of asbestos, and which had a decrepit oil burner inside.

Imagine that.

And since there are no other developments on the street…

…wait, what?

Oh, that’s right – there’s all kinds of development on the street!

Literally across the street, there’s a new build.  Like directly across the street on the corner of Cavell Avenue & Superior Avenue: 89 Cavell Avenue.  That’s a brand-new house!

And beside that?  Not one, but two new houses, on dual lots that were carved from 109 Superior Avenue which was a 50-foot frontage sub-divided two years ago.  Sub-dividing existing lots?  That sounds like development to me!

How about 103 Superior Avenue?  Check out Google Maps and you’ll see a hole in the ground where the existing bungalow was bulldozed in 2019.

101 Superior Avenue was built new in 2016.

In fact, if you walk down Superior Avenue, and up Cavell Avenue, you’ll see an area that’s booming with development, so perhaps I don’t need to rattle off all the other addresses?

And that is the story here, folks.

The neighbours, sick of development, tried to find a way to prevent Mr. Basso, the rightful owner of 98 Superior Avenue, who purchased a “land value only house,” from constructing yet another new home in the area.  Mr. Basso went through all of the proper channels, paid for the right permits, submitted the correct applications, bided his time and waded through the appropriate red-tape, and did everything by the letter of the law, as have thousands of people before him.

But the neighbours, who don’t want new members in the community, sought to bully him through legislation that they could bend to their will.  They were creative, I’ll give them that!  Trying to apply a heritage tag to the property before Mr. Basso built his new home?  That’s novel!

And one of the neighbours in particular has a personal and professional agenda here, but more on that in a moment.

This isn’t a story about some charming English cottage that should be preserved for future generations to visit, as though it were Fort York.  Although, future generations probably won’t care about Fort York, but that’s a topic for another day.

This is a story about neighbours tired of development who sought to whip up a storm around the next person who tried to get a backhoe in the ground.

On Monday, the second article ran:

“Historic Mimico Home Demolished Hours Before Heritage Preservation Hearing Set To Consider It For Protection”

The headline alone serves as Mr. Basso’s judge, jury, and executioner.

But it’s in this article, by a different writer than the first, that the facts go from merely deceiving to downright incorrect.

Here’s the start of the article:

“Another developer has demolished a historic Toronto property that was being considered for protection by the city.

Alexander Basso acted before dawn on Monday to tear down a 97-year-old stone cottage in Mimico, leaving disappointed neighbours to watch from the curb as a bulldozer bucket swung through the roof and the walls of the property they had fought to save.”

This is frustrating.

It’s frustrating in the same way that Donald Trump can Tweet, “WE WON THE ELECTION” without consequence.


Because Mr. Basso is not a developer.  Hard stop.  No confusion.  Mr. Basso is not a developer.

I conducted a very simple Google search, that any 9-year-old can perform, and it revealed that Mr. Basso is a 27-year-old credit analyst with TD Bank.

Mr. Basso is a former OHL hockey player.

Mr. Basso is a young man who, after grinding out a living in minor hockey, went and got an MBA, started his career, and has done nothing but work since.  As I said, I don’t know Mr. Basso.  But I know hard work since it’s all I’ve done since I was fourteen years old.  And Mr. Basso, who has never owned property and who has never “developed” anything, is being called a “developer” by a reporter from the Toronto Star in a series of exceptionally misleading and factually-incorrect articles that seek to “cancel” this man, as society has a habit of doing in 2020.

The article continues with quotes from people who, in my opinion, should mind their own goddam business:

“There was a beauty in this house that always stayed with me,” said Lynn Taylor, 58, who grew up at 98 Superior Ave. “Even as a child, I knew our house felt different.”

Her father Alex Taylor bought the property for $14,000 in 1966 and sold it for $84,000 in 1982, Taylor said.

That’s the former resident of the house, who lived there decades ago.

I get it.  I do.  I watched my childhood home get torn down by a developer, and I wrote about it at length in 2008 on TRB.  But you know what?  I never thought I had ANY claim to it, since it was no longer my house!

With all due respect to Ms. Taylor, her input here is not needed.  And the Toronto Star reporter seeking comment from somebody that lived in the house in the 1960’s, but who hasn’t lived there for thirty-eight years simply serves as an example of how this is inventive news.

Another quote, perhaps?

“Cindy Bleeks, who lives in one of the three unique homes, said the Committee of Adjustment notified her by mail in late July that the house neighbouring hers was going to be demolished.

”I’m kind of biased because I have the middle house. I bought this house because of the charm and the character, and . . . the nod to history,” Bleeks said. “Everybody, literally, in the neighbourhood stops, and is like, ‘Oh my gosh, what is the history of these places?’ ”

Oh, Ms. Bleeks, don’t worry about the bias, we would never make assumptions about your character.

Except both Toronto Star reporters failed to mention that Ms. Bleeks is actually a designer by trade, one of the partners at Feasby & Bleeks Design.

According to their website, which shows a comprehensive list of their projects, Ms. Bleeks seems to have a knack for remodeling existing homes.  She might stand to benefit from heritage renovations and large rebuilding projects.

None of this, of course, was mentioned in the Toronto Star article, where they were too busy taking Mr. Basso to task.

Here’s another great example of that journalistic integrity, by the way:

“Basso is following in the footsteps of developer Sam Mizrahi, who had the 114-year-old Stollerys building at Yonge St. And Bloor St. W. demolished even as Coun. Kristyn Wong-Tam was trying to have it added to the register, in January 2015.”

This is the second-worst part of the three articles, after the part where the writer incorrectly called Mr. Basso a “developer.”

In this section, the writer, for some odd reason, says that “Mr. Basso is following in the footsteps of developer Sam Mizrahi…”

What the…really?

He’s “following in the footsteps” of perhaps the biggest developer in the history of the city?

He’s a goddam 27-year-old who lives with his parents!

Mr. Basso is “following in the footsteps” of other people who get off the streetcar downtown and go to work every goddam day.  He’s a kid who bought a boarded-up house and sought to build a home for his future family, that’s it.

He’s not “following in the footsteps” of a massive conglomerate.  There’s nothing remotely similar about Mr. Basso and Sam Mizrahi.  Just because I taped my 4-year-old daughter’s painting to the kitchen fridge doesn’t make me an art curator at a museum.

And what did the city’s most infamous wet noodle, John Tory have to say about this?

“I think it’s really regrettable that when the owner, in this case, would have known there was a Preservation Board meeting today, that steps were then taken to tear the building down before a proper due-course hearing would have taken place to examine the merits of all this,” Tory said.”

Great comment, John.  Way to give a politically-favourable answer, completely predictable, protecting yourself, and offering zero value or substance.  I would expect nothing less.

Another comment that irks me:

“They didn’t do anything legally wrong — they highlighted a loophole in the system,” said neighbour Arwen Hunter.


What loophole?

That’s like Donald Trump saying, “They exploited a loophole that allows them to benefit from more people voting for my opponent than myself, thereby stealing the election.

Loophole.  For Christ’s sake.  More on that in the third article…

How about this comment to end the article:

“They outplayed us. They knew the system better than us.”


Who is “they?”

This isn’t The Skulls working as a secret underground society; this is one person looking to build a house, and there’s no “system” here.  There’s no gaming.  There’s nothing untoward, and yet these articles continue to suggest, or at times, outright state that there’s mischief afoot.

On Wednesday, the third article hit:

“Councilor Calls For Review After ‘Heartbreaking’ Demolition Of Historic Mimico House”

Here’s where this becomes tabloid journalism and pure sensationalism.

This isn’t news.  This was never news.

Calling Mr. Basso a “developer” demonstrates the inaccuracies and/or liberties that the author took.

Being used as a pawn by a neighbour who failed to mention she’s a designer who would benefit from heritage rebuilds shows the naivety of The Star.

But coming back for a third bite at this apple just shows how little news is actually out there.  Or how inventive news is sexier than real news.  Or how we’re all so damn tired of COVID coverage.

Because after allowing a “biased” neighbour to grandstand, and a nostalgic former resident who hasn’t lived in the house for three decades to grovel to the media, and after giving a platform to an area of NIMBY’s who want to halt development, the author has now given a soapbox for the worst of them all: grandstanding politicians.

“Toronto Coun. Mark Grimes says he will request a review of the city’s heritage designation process with an eye to preventing demolition permits from being issued for properties under consideration for the heritage registry, after a century stone cottage was torn down in Mimico hours before being added to the list.

“It was heartbreaking to see this house come down,” Grimes said in a response to questions from the Star.”

Mark Grimes?

Which Mark Grimes?

This Mark Grimes?

“Toronto City Councilors Grimes And Di Cano Charged With Elections Act Offences Under 2014 Campaign Expenses”

Or this Mark Grimes?

“Integrity Commissioner Finds Councilor Mark Grimes Had ‘Improper’ Relationship With Developers”

Or this Mark Grimes?

“Etobicoke Residents Say They Lost Out On $100K In Negotiations With Condo Developer”

It seems to me, Mark Grimes is the last person at City Hall who should be commenting on “heartbreaking” stories like this one.

I can’t believe the Toronto Star gave a forum to this man.

And do you know what he’s going to do about this?  About this house being torn down?  About the so-called “loopholes” in the process?

Jack Shit.

That’s what he’s going to do.  Jack shit.

After his quotes run in the newspaper, after he’s garnered some praise from voters, he’ll head back to his office at City Hall, put his feet up on his desk, make a giant paper-clip chain and rubber-band ball, and continue to suck from the sweet milky teet of the government, via taxpayers’ money.

He’s a man with zero power and less-than-zero pull.  He has no tools at his disposal at the municipal level to effect change in the development process, and he’s certainly not going to bend Doug Ford’s ear.

All he’s looking for is a Google-friendly quote on the Internet and his name in the printed newspaper for those constituents who still get ink on their fingers every morning.

Mission: Accomplished.

This whole saga makes me irate.

Enough to pen a piece such as this one, the ire of which I haven’t shown in a Friday Rant in a long time.

This saga also makes me sad.

It shows that, despite great strides made as a society, we can never quite seem to take those one or two steps forward without taking those one or two steps back.

The “story” about Mr. Basso and this house in Mimico is, in my opinion, a story about nothing.  So much so, in fact, that Jerry Seinfeld would be proud.

The real story here is about entitled residents in that small Mimico pocket, many with too much time on their hands, who want to change existing property rights to suit their particular needs, who call reporters when they don’t get their way (and give out personal contact information in the process), suggesting that “somebody” should preserve this house.  The words “somebody” and “should” are bad enough on their own, but used in 2020, they’re a combination just asking for a handout.  Who “should” preserve this house?  The government?  Is that always the answer?  Should the city purchase it and then maybe create a few more jobs in the process of looking after it?  Why not put four new crossing guards at each corner of the intersection while you’re at it?

The other story, of course, is the plight of what news and journalism have devolved into as we move through 2020, but that’s a battle I’m clearly losing as scroll through thirty-six photos of my friends’ lunches on Instagram just in time to read about Hunter Biden’s missing laptop on Breitbart News

The story you don’t want to hear is about the sea of angry online commenters, devoid of any rational, informed thought, most of whom are simply frustrated with their lives, inside or outside of a year-long pandemic, who use outlets like this one to take out their grievances.  Not to mention the other news outlets and online blogs and forums who picked up this story, after doing no research of their own, thereby exacerbating a factually-incorrect story.

The weekend is here, folks, and it can’t come soon enough.

But first, have a swing at me, or a beer with me, in the comments section below.

And if you want to take a page out of the playbook of those noted above and give out my personal cell phone number, don’t worry, it’s already plastered on the Internet for all to see…

Written By David Fleming

David Fleming is the author of Toronto Realty Blog, founded in 2007. He combined his passion for writing and real estate to create a space for honest information and two-way communication in a complex and dynamic market. David is a licensed Broker and the Broker of Record for Bosley – Toronto Realty Group

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  1. Jason

    at 7:33 am

    Toronto is full of houses from the 1800s, and early 1900s. There is nothing special about a 1923 house. If that house was designated heritage then half the city would be.

  2. Kiera Jane

    at 8:23 am

    This is on my running route and I pass by it three times per week. There are three of them in a row and the middle one has a huge driveway and looks renovated with these two white pillars out front, and this one is on the end on a big corner lot but I never thought anything of it until I read the article in BlogTO. This whole street has fancy modern builder homes.

  3. Sirgruper

    at 8:32 am

    Greenbelt, historic designations, holding bylaws are all government’s taking value from private owners to the public realm without compensation as property rights are not protected in the constitution in Canada. I thought this was to be controversial but to me it’s not in the least save your hilarious comment about Sam Mizrahi being perhaps being the biggest developer in the history of the city? Research that statement and then compare to 100+ developers that have built more. The problem with journalism lol.

    1. David Fleming

      at 9:23 am

      @ Sigruper

      Okay, I’ll bite.

      I meant “developer” as in the individual – the name. Along with “Alexander Basso,” who isn’t a developer, I meant household developer names like Brad Lamb, Shane Baghai, Sam Mizrahi, et al.

      I’m not oblivious to the existence of Tridel, Daniels, Great Gulf, et al.

  4. nothanks

    at 9:02 am

    I assume Cindy Bleeks has also applied for heritage designation for HER house, so it can’t ever be demolished or remodeled. Right?

    1. Ed

      at 9:18 am


  5. Steve

    at 9:15 am

    I’m generally sympathetic to the desire to preserve heritage buildings, but if it was actually a heritage building someone would have put it on the list *before* it changed hands and got the relevant permits issued.

    1. Graham

      at 10:59 am

      Exactly. If it was so important, why hadn’t the Councillor or the neighbours brought the property to the attention of the City’s Heritage Preservation Services earlier?

      The process is on the website ( which includes a fun map of all listed and designated properties.

      And David, just FYI, from the Ontario Heritage Toolkit: “Using physical condition as a determining factor in whether or not to list a property on the register is not advised. A property may be in an altered or deteriorated condition, but this may not be affecting its cultural heritage value or interest.” 🙂

  6. Kyle

    at 9:16 am

    I hope Mr Basso sues the Authors and The Star and wins. He went through all the proper channels and had approvals to do what he did. He did absolutely nothing wrong. To have his name publicly smeared by Francine Kopun is frankly disgusting.

    Also entitled, busy-body NIMBYs who want to exert control over other people can all F’ right off.

  7. Ed

    at 9:17 am

    From the first Toronto Star article
    “The house incorporates elements of the British-inspired cottage style, with symmetrically arranged principal elevation”

    What is a symmetrically arranged principal elevation and why is it so special?

    1. Kyle

      at 9:26 am

      LOL, that just mean “center-hall plan” (which is commonly found throughout Toronto) in i’m-better-than-you-ese

      1. Ed

        at 11:55 am

        Oh a center hall plan AND in a British inspired cottage styled home.
        Well, that is special. s/

  8. RPG

    at 9:26 am

    Lol…..crossing guards.

    Nothing gets by you, eh David?

  9. Marty

    at 9:30 am

    I mostly agree with you. But I’m not sure why this story gets you SO worked up.

    Or why every fourth paragraph has to mention Donald Trump. This is a MEDIA story, and our own Canadian media here are now all on Trudeau’s payroll. That should be worth mentioning at every step, instead of some tied Trump reference.

    As to the house in Mimico, all has gone well for the owner, right?

    Let’s move on.

    1. David Fleming

      at 9:47 am

      @ Marty


      There is no greater source on the planet than Trump, and no greater platform.

      That’s why I continue to make references. The person, the policies – these are secondary to me. Since day one, starting with the size of the crowd at the inauguration, it’s been misinformation, and nothing but. This Toronto Star story is partially about NIMBY’ism and people who should mind their own business, but it’s also about inventive news and misinformation.

  10. Jimbo

    at 10:50 am

    The only investigation that should be taken up is looking at the names of the people who put forth the heritage designation. Then look at their property and see if it is an older building. The city can then add their properties to the list of heritage buildings without the owners say.
    Once they figure out it costs more to renovate a property than build new in these cases and their equity is affected by the new value, maybe then they can use their time to fight the unfair system of heritage designation.
    Something similar happened in the South end of Halifax a few years ago

  11. Susan Montemurro

    at 11:14 am

    Excellent article! Finally someone states the facts about this ridiculous situation. A young man attempting to get into the real estate market using all the proper channels is shamed by the Toronto Star with totally misleading information. I respect your initiative in making this situation public with the “facts”

  12. Alan Wechsler

    at 12:35 pm

    Haven’t seen your writing in a while, David. Missed it. This fun piece sounds like it’s been balled up into a wet knot before being chucked into a pressure cooker hahahahaha.
    I live a couple blocks away at Marina Del Rey and am vaguely familiar with those three homes. Well, two now. Gotta tell ya dude, the first 100yds of Superior north of Lake Shore have a weird vibe. Much less so than the first 30 yds south of Lake Shore, mind you. But still. That newer condo has owners wondering why they bought, because the mix of people can be a bit weird. Not occasionally. Hourly. Real estate Pro Tip; never buy a condo that’s within a block of a 7-11 ????
    Anyway, great piece and a rollicking good read.

    1. Steve M.

      at 1:35 pm

      Mr. Basso has represented to the C of A that he intends on building three rental suites, one of which he says he will occupy. This new build to create rental housing is a plus. Tearing down that ‘dog’ of a old home was prudent and appropriate.

      Mr. Grimes sought publicity for himself nothing more. Heritage value, are you kidding?

      1. Appraiser

        at 1:04 pm

        Heritage Value is a title that is all too often used as a bludgeon to blot out the obvious rights of a private property owner.

        A similar debacle, but on a much larger scale is the seemingly never ending saga of the Glen Abbey Golf Course, whereby Heritage Value was used by the town council (unanimously) to block ClubLink from redeveloping the private club.

        Is the club centuries old? Not exactly. How about dating all the way back to 1974. The course itself was designed by that well-known, historically important and famously great Canadian, Jack Nicklaus? (his first solo-design apparently).

        The new plan by the property owner will provide much needed housing and commercial space in the sprawling town of Oakville, while creating unprecedented public access to the existing ravine and valleylands – which is currently off-limits to non club members. A plan I would argue, that is much closer to the “highest and best use” of the property.

        But yeah – Heritage.

  13. Trevor

    at 2:24 pm

    It’s the Toronto Star! Should we expect anything less? Pitch them a story about a sad-sack bunch of NIMBYs and they’ll jump on it like a dog in heat! Didn’t do their research and now they look like morons. But they’re probably secretly proud especially the editorial board who loves to hate on successful hard working people in favour of the starving artist.

  14. Patty

    at 4:49 pm

    For me, the point of all this is how much of what the media produces is fiction. It’s especially disappointing when politicians offer up sound bites with no care whatsoever for the truth. As taxpayers and consumers we are responsible not to jump on bandwagons without fact checking and to hold the journalists and those we vote for accountable. The results of not bothering has produced the appalling bunch currently running the country and it’s costing us dearly.

  15. Frances

    at 6:09 pm

    I enjoyed this rant, but I do feel that the line about the nostalgic former resident being allowed to “grovel to the media” is a bit harsh. Surely this was just a lady who answered the phone to a journalist and shared her memories of her childhood home? I doubt she saw this as her big chance to get her name in the paper.

  16. B

    at 11:22 pm

    “Great comment, John. Way to give a politically-favourable answer, completely predictable, protecting yourself, and offering zero value or substance. I would expect nothing less.” ????????????????

  17. Rob

    at 7:49 am

    The OHL is junior hockey – the players are aged 16-20 and not paid.

    After his OHL eligibility was over, Mr. Basso played for the Ryerson team in the OUA, another non-professional league where players are not compensated.

    And finally, 2 games in the AHL where he presumably drew a salary, the average of which is about 90k per year. You can pro-rate that yourself.

    After his school was done he appears to have been working at TD Bank as an commercial banking associate for just over a year.

    Not sure what that pays but I’ve got an idea.

    I get that you like a narrative as much as the next blogger/journo but I’m not sure lunch-bucket bootstrapper is quite it.

    I’d wager more on rich kid with wealthy parents footing the bill, tbh.

    1. Appraiser

      at 1:24 pm

      Nice work detective.

      Even if your spurious speculation, mysterious “ideas” and fictional wager were to come true, do “rich kids” have no property rights?

      But it’s all about the “narrative.” Imagined or otherwise – amirite?

      1. Rob

        at 6:03 pm

        Relax, I’m all for rich boys having the same rights as real people – no need to get your spats in a twist.

        The point is, if David’s gonna get het up to the tune of a couple thousand words on accounta some newspapers characterising Mr. Basso a powerful developer and instead paint a picture of him as some sort of blue collar success story “grinding out a living in minor hockey”, the evidence he actually does provide suggests that he’s pretty much exactly as wrong as they are.

    2. Jimbo

      at 4:38 pm

      To be fair you lose eligibility to pay NCAA because you are considered a professional player after one game in the OHL as you are paid to play. It was 440ish a month 20 years ago.l

  18. Condodweller

    at 10:36 pm

    meanwhile…… we are setting record high numbers with covid19 infections, intensive care units are starting to fill up, and people are still refusing to wear masks. Drunk drivers continue to kill innocent people without the police/government doing anything about it. How about dealing with some real, important issues?

  19. LAnn

    at 6:48 pm

    The loop hole:
    1. They submitted a application for a triplex and found out that required a review by Heritage.
    2. They withdrew that application
    3. They submitted a application for a single family home because it bypasses Heritage
    4. Without need for Heritage they got a demo permit and demolished the house
    5. After the house was demolished they retracted their single family home application and resubmitted the triplex application. This time the house was gone so Heritage had no saw. Thus the owner found a loophole and exploited it.

    You are also incorrect on other things. But that is the biggest.

    Do you see how maybe your rant is… not as informed as your think?

  20. Alison Gray

    at 8:16 am

    Thank you for this article ,it was so great. I know I’m late to the table. My best friend lived and died in this house before it was sold to Mr Basso. Nothing could save it, l was inside. Let’s leave it at that.

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