Avid readers Rob Hahn already know that we’ve been working on a new collaboration: The Blueprint Sessions, a podcast for exceptional founders of exceptional startups that are disrupting the real estate industry.

This initiative stems from our desire to answer two key questions:

  1. Who are the people disrupting the real estate industry?
  2. How can we help them?

The goal is to provide a space for real estate startup founders to tell their stories to those who most need to hear them – potential investors, business partners, and forward-looking industry influencers. Besides the financials and the strategy, we’ll explore the human stories of the incredible entrepreneurs who are creating the future.

The podcast panelists are:

  • Rob Hahn, Managing Partner, 7DS Associates
  • Albert Hahn, ex-startup founder and ex-Head of Google for Startups Korea (who also happens to be Rob’s brother)
  • Lynette Keyowski, Managing Partner of REACH Canada, NAR’s accelerator arm.

In addition to the podcast, there will be an analysis of each participant’s company published in the GEM (and later re-shared publicly here on GE Blog).

I’m excited that the inaugural guest for Episode 1 is Bryan Copley from CityBldr, a company building software that understands the highest and best use for any piece of property/land. He is a fantastic founder that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing since 2015. He’s building a truly differentiated product and transformative company, and has an incredible journey worth hearing.

Without further ado, listen/watch Episode 1

Up next is Brian Gaudio from Module, a design and technology startup based in Pittsburgh with a pay-as-you-go housing solution enabling homebuilders to provide an affordable and flexible entry point for homeownership (profiled in our founder interview series in 2017). Interested onlookers, thinkers, gawkers, movers and shakers, and anyone bored at home –  tune in this Friday,  March 12, 11AM PST, to The Blueprint Sessions 2.

Livestream Links for Friday’s episode:

If you’re a founder looking to be profiled in a future episode, please apply for the GEM.