Picture it: You’re staring at your phone and racking your brain for the perfect real estate social media post idea. Before you know it, you’ve wasted an hour with nothing to show. It’s frustrating, for sure. And trust me, even the biggest names in real estate have been there.

I’ve compiled a list of 31 killer real estate social media posts that will work like a charm on Facebook, Instagram, or any other platform you’re rocking. I also give real-world examples to see how it’s done. I’m also hooking you up with three free real estate social media post templates. So, dive in and start creating. Your social media game is about to get a serious upgrade.

Download 3 Social Media Canva Templates

1. Post New Listings/Video Walk-throughs

Show off your latest listings like a boss with a stunning carousel post or a fun video walk-through in your social media marketing. Here are a few key real estate social media post ideas to consider:

  • Showcase the property’s layout and flow
  • Highlight key features and upgrades
  • Add engaging commentary to keep viewers hooked
Screenshot of an Instagram Reel featuring Florida Realtor Caitlin Hare showing off features of a listing, including granite countertops.
Use some extra personality with your listing videos to stand out. (Source: Instagram)

2. Share Market Updates

Real estate social media content can keep your audience in the loop with the latest real estate stats. Post stats and share their impact on your local market. Here are a few ideas:

  • Share the latest stats on home prices, inventory, and days on market
  • Provide insights on trends and what they mean for buyers and sellers
  • Include eye-catching visuals like charts or infographics
Screenshot of an Instagram post with "Kansas City Market Update" over a photo of a sofa and table in a well-lit apartment.
Use stunning carousel templates to present market updates. (Source: Instagram)

3. Provide Tips for Buyers & Sellers

In your real estate content for social media, help your future clients navigate the market, the homebuying process, and more with tips and strategies for both buyers and sellers. This will show off your expertise and allow followers to see your value in a real estate transaction. 

  • Share the latest stats on home prices, inventory, and days on market
  • Provide insights on trends and what they mean for buyers and sellers
  • Include eye-catching visuals like charts or infographics
Screenshot of Christina Beckwith's post showing a Venn Diagram of a seller's responsibilities and a real estate agent's responsibilities with a few tasks overlapping.
Try using an infographic or a Venn diagram to simplify insights and tips. (Source: Pinterest)

4. Show Why People Should Work With a Buyer’s Agent

In the wake of the drama around buyer agent commissions, now is the perfect time to start tooting your horn and share how you serve buyers in a transaction. Here are a few ways to bring your best features to light:

  • Highlight the expertise and resources an agent brings to the table
  • Share success stories of clients you’ve helped
  • Emphasize the peace of mind and protection an agent provides
Screenshot of an Instagram Reel with a young woman working at a laptop. The overlaid text says, "Don't hire me to show your houses. My value is not in showing you houses. More below." In the description is a more detailed list of what a buyer's agent does for their client.
Create videos to showcase your expertise as a buyer’s agent. (Source: Instagram)

5. Explain Mistakes to Avoid

In your social media posts for realtors, whether you’re attracting clients through Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or YouTube, share some of the pitfalls you’ve seen other buyers and sellers make during your career in real estate to help others navigate the process.

  • Identify common pitfalls for buyers and sellers, like not getting a home inspection
  • Provide clear, actionable advice for steering clear of these mistakes
  • Use real-life examples to drive the point home
Screenshot of an Instagram carousel post with the text "This question saved my buyer $94,619" and a full-body photo of the agent. The full story is in the description.
Point out ways you’ve helped clients avoid pitfalls. (Source: Instagram)

6. Share Ideas for Max Home Value

Share some practical tips on increasing a home’s value, including when to consider renovations, repairs, or upgrades. Use Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok to showcase varying types of real estate social media content.

  • Share simple, affordable upgrades that can boost a home’s value
  • Provide before-and-after examples to illustrate the impact
  • Offer tips for staging and presentation
Screenshot of an Instagram post where the agent is hanging framed pictures above a counter with text that reads, "Home upgrades I've seen work wonders" and an arrow indicating a carousel of images follow.
Show off your expertise with past projects. (Source: Instagram)

7. Create Neighborhood Guides

Show off the coolest things about your city or neighborhood. Give your followers insights on what it’s like to live in your area. Create several posts with these points: 

  • Highlight the best local restaurants, shops, and attractions
  • Share insider tips on schools, commutes, and community events
  • Include stunning photos that showcase the neighborhood’s charm
Screenshot of a video Instagram Reel with text that reads "Dr. Phillips looks like this" over a background image of a sidewalk with a lightpost.
There are multiple ways to share details about your city. (Source: Instagram)

8. Provide Interesting Facts About Your City/State

When future homebuyers are researching their new city, it’s the perfect time to introduce them to your expertise. Let your future clients get to know you by sharing fun or interesting facts about where you live. 

  • Share historical tidbits or lesser-known facts
  • Highlight unique attractions or landmarks
  • Tie the facts back to the local real estate market
Screenshot of an Instagram carousel featuring pictures of points of interest around Seattle, WA, with text reading "I fell hard for Seattle. I didn't stand a chance."
Share your favorite facts or attractions about your city and what you love. (Source: Instagram)

Pro tip: Need some inspo for Instagram social media post ideas? Use some of the gorg templates from Coffee & Contracts to get the creative juices flowing. Start with a well-designed, customizable template, make it your own, and cut your social media marketing creation time in half.

9. Document Home Makeovers (Before & After)

The popularity of HGTV proves that people love a good makeover. Share pictures of a home renovation before and after your makeover.

  • Showcase dramatic transformations with side-by-side photos
  • Provide details on the work done and the impact on the home’s value
  • Share client reactions and testimonials
Screenshot of an Instagram carousel post that shows some before-and-after images of a house. The image is the front of the home, and the text overlay reads, "Swipe right to see the before and afters!"
Showcase a recent listing that underwent a facelift. (Source: Instagram)

10. Present Interior Inspirations/Trends

I don’t know about you, but I love seeing beautiful interior designs, home decor tips and ideas, and the latest trends. Any chance you get to show off your eye for design, put it out there. 

  • Highlight the latest design trends and how to incorporate them
  • Share tips for creating a cohesive, stylish look
  • Provide links to resources or products to help followers get the look
Screenshot of an Instagram Reel of a modern kitchen with text overlay reading "Kitchen Design Hacks 2024!"
Share your eye for design and tips to get the look. (Source: Instagram)

11. Showcase Home Maintenance Tips

Be a resource for homeowners and investors, offering home maintenance hacks or reminding them when to address a particular maintenance issue. 

  • Share seasonal maintenance checklists
  • Provide DIY tutorials for simple home repairs
  • Offer recommendations for trusted local service providers
Screenshot of an Instagram carousel post with an image of a backyard pool and text overlay reading "Spring Home Maintenance Checklist"
Share your expertise around all things maintenance. (Source: Instagram)

12. Submit Polls

Here’s your chance to gather some insights from your audience while creating added engagement. Once you’ve collected data from your polls, you can make more content your audience will most likely be interested in.

  • Ask for opinions on design trends, neighborhood preferences, or market predictions
  • Encourage followers to share their own experiences or tips
  • Use the insights gained to create future content
Screenshot of a Pinterest post with an image of a gas stove and one of an electric stove and the text overlay asking "This or That? Which do you choose?"
Get your engagement up by taking a poll with your audience. (Source: Pinterest)

13. Show Off Client Testimonials

Nothing helps prospective clients make up their minds more readily than client testimonials. If possible, get these on video and share them for added clout.

  • Share quotes or videos from satisfied clients
  • Highlight specific ways you helped them achieve their goals
  • Use storytelling to create an emotional connection with followers
Screenshot of an Instagram post featuring a past client's review which reads: "Anna is incredibly detail-oriented, professional, communicative, organized, a savvy negotiator, and wonderful to work with." Jeremy R. The description is Anna's heartfelt thank you.
Your clients’ praise assures your future clients’ decision to hire you. (Source: Instagram)

14. Create a Guide for First-time Buyers

Be the hero first-time buyers need and help them navigate the homebuying process like a champ with your easy-to-understand real estate social media content.

  • Break the buying process down into simple, manageable steps
  • Provide checklists and resources for each stage of the journey
  • Share insider tips for navigating the market as a first-timer
Graphic with five tips for first-time home buyers from Devron and Katelyn Smith – Birmingham Realtors with Keller Williams.
Broadcast your expertise by sharing tips for first-time homebuyers.(Source: Facebook)

15. Broadcast Your ‘Just Sold’ Posts

Your “Just Sold” posts give you credibility with your prospects. It’s an opportunity to celebrate your wins and show off your real estate marketing prowess.

  • Celebrate your success and the clients you’ve helped
  • Share photos of happy clients in front of their new homes
  • Provide details on the journey to finding the perfect property
Screenshot of an Instagram post with an image of a home, the real estate agent's headshot holding a sign that reads "Sold" and a banner across the bottom with "Just Sold" and EXP Realty. The description tells the story of the buyers turned sellers the agent worked with on this transaction.
When you post your Just Solds, you’re showing you can sell. (Source: Instagram)

16. Share Open Houses

Invite followers to check out your latest listings in person. This increased activity will generate traffic at your open house and show your future clients your marketing chops.

  • Share date, time, and location details
  • Provide a sneak peek of the property with photos or a video tour
  • Encourage followers to stop by and check out your open house in person
Screenshot of an Instagram Reel of an agent talking about the community where he's hosting an open house the following weekend.
Make sure everyone knows about your open houses. (Source: Instagram)

17. Repurpose Your Blog Posts

Have a recent blog post that was especially popular? Share it on social media, especially Pinterest, to get additional traction.

  • Share in-depth insights on a variety of real estate topics
  • Break content down into scannable sections with headings and bullets
  • Encourage followers to check out the full post on your website
Screenshot of a Pinterest post with an image of a blonde haired woman wearing a sleek black pantsuit. The caption underneath the photo reads "10 Awesome real estate agent outfit ideas you'll want to copy." The post links to a blog post on the agentcrate.com site.
Want to drive traffic to your site? Post your best blog posts on Pinterest. (Source: Pinterest)

18. Put a Spotlight on Local Businesses & Partners

Local businesses can be impactful allies. Show them some love within your community to get a little cross-over exposure.

  • Highlight local businesses that complement the real estate industry
  • Share personal experiences or recommendations
  • Offer special promotions or discounts for your followers
Screenshot of an Instagram carousel post featuring two women smiling, one wrapping her arm  around the other and smiling, with text overlay reading "The Ware House furniture sale of the year starts Thursday!"
Local businesses are a source of connection in your community. (Source: Instagram)

19. Highlight Community Events

Here’s an opportunity to be the local expert in the know. Be the megaphone for any local events and become the go-to person for all happenings in your community.

  • Share details on upcoming festivals, markets, or charity events
  • Encourage followers to get involved and support the community
  • Share photos or recaps of past events you’ve attended
Screenshot of an Instagram post with two women wearing Mardi Gras attire and smiling with text overlay reading "Tigris Mardi Gra Parade! Feb 10th at 1:00!"
 Share local events to show your connection with the community. (Source: Instagram)

20. Share Your Community Service

Do you have a charity or cause you donate time to? Share that with your followers. It’s a chance to connect with people outside of your sphere of influence and broaden your overall reach.

  • Highlight your involvement in local charities or volunteer work
  • Share photos of you and your team giving back
  • Encourage followers to join you in supporting worthy causes
Screenshot of an Instagram Reel with Michele Bellisari explaining her boxes and asking for donations. Text overlay reads, "And we'll take everything over to Boca Helping Hands."
Show your community service work and invite others to get involved. (Source: Instagram)

21. Spotlight Your Agents

Building a real estate team? Feature your amazing agents as the faces behind the real estate magic. It builds your team’s morale and your growing reputation in the community.

  • Introduce your team members with photos and fun facts
  • Highlight their unique skills, experience, and passions
  • Share why they love serving your community
Screenshot of and Instagram post featuring a smiling Jason Old from Home Team Realty. The text reads, "Celebrating 2 years with The Welcome Home Team. Jason Old."
Show off your agents with these posts. (Source: Instagram)

22. Break Down Industry News

You should follow any news that impacts the real estate industry, but your followers may not. Share anything that could affect them or the industry in general, personalizing it by sharing your perspective.

  • Share breaking news or important updates impacting the real estate market
  • Provide your insights and analysis on what it means for your followers
  • Encourage discussion and questions in the comments
 Screenshot of a TikTok video featuring Glennda Baker talking about what to expect in the upcoming real estate market. The text on the video reads, "The housing market."
Share the latest news in the industry with your followers, adding your take. (Source: TikTok)

23. Dispel Real Estate Facts & Myths

There is plenty of misinformation around real estate floating around on the internet. Use videos, like Instagram Reels or real estate TikTok, to share fun and interesting facts and debunk some of the myths you encounter.

  • Identify common misconceptions about the buying or selling process
  • Provide the truth behind the myths
  • Share facts and statistics to back up your points
Screenshot of a video from Facebook of a woman talking about a post which is shown in the background of the video. There's a big null sign over the post in red and the text overlay says, "Right here...bye!"
Use social media to debunk myths about the industry. (Source: Facebook)

24. Create & Share Memes & Funny Content

There’s no better way to increase engagement than by sharing fun memes and hilarious content about real estate. Share your favorites, and don’t be afraid to create your own.

  • Share relatable jokes or memes about the real estate industry
  • Keep the tone light and avoid controversial or offensive humor
  • Encourage followers to share their own funny experiences in the comments
Screenshot of an Instagram Reel of Shaun King with overlay text that reads, "I'm her real estate agent."
Everyone loves a good laugh. Use your comedy powers to drive engagement. (Source: Instagram)

25. Exhibit Current Trends

What’s the latest rage in real estate? Have you noticed any trends, like a move away from open-concept homes since the pandemic? Share your observations and any news around trending topics in your realtor posts.

  • Highlight emerging trends in home design, technology, or market behavior
  • Share your predictions for how these trends will impact the industry
  • Provide tips for how buyers and sellers can capitalize on these trends
Screenshot of an Instagram carousel post featuring an image of flowers with text overlay that reads "Trending Colors Spring 2024"
Share the latest trends in home decor and interior design. (Source: Instagram)

26. Host a Contest or Giveaway

Who doesn’t love a good contest? Reward your followers with sweet prizes with a fun contest, drawing, or giveaway. It could even be a regular feature on your platforms.

  • Offer a prize that appeals to your target audience
  • Clearly outline the rules and requirements for entry
  • Encourage followers to share the contest with friends and family
Screenshot of an Instagram post with palm trees and blue sky with text overlay reading "Win the ultimate trip"
You don’t have to give away a vacay, but it’s a splendid idea. (Source: Instagram)

27. Showcase Interesting or Notable Listings

Whether it’s luxury real estate or just a really interesting interior, people love to gawk at homes. Make it a regular feature on your social media to focus on listings that stand out.

  • Showcase unique or luxury properties in your market
  • Share the story behind the listing and what makes it special
  • Provide a full video tour or virtual walk-through
Screenshot of a TikTok video featuring an interesting, modern architecture home.
Make interesting homes a regular feature in your social media. (Source: TikTok)

28. Share Behind the Scenes/Day in the Life 

Those #dayinthelife posts are still all the rage, even a few years in. People love to see behind the scenes of a real estate agent’s day-to-day life, so show them how the magic happens.  

  • Share photos or videos of your day-to-day activities as an agent
  • Highlight the hard work and dedication that goes into serving your clients
  • Offer a glimpse into your company culture and values
Screenshot of a smiling real estate agent walking across the street wearing a flowing white poplin dress with flowery heels.
Show your audience what you really do during the day. (Source: Instagram)

29. Showcase Your Professional Milestones & Journey

It’s fun to share your success milestones on social media, but share the low points, too. You’ll be surprised how much engagement you get on those posts when you’ve experienced a setback. Share the whole journey with your followers. They’re invested in you, for better or worse, all the way.

  • Share your story of how you got started in real estate
  • Highlight major milestones or achievements in your career
  • Offer advice for others looking to follow in your footsteps
Screenshot of an Instagram post featuring a smiling real estate agent sitting in a chair next to some text reading "Serving Florida Realtors *Faculty Subcommittee *Professional Development *Leadership Academy *Diversity 2024"
Boast your accomplishments as well as your frustrations. (Source: Instagram)

30. Share Personal Stories

I shouldn’t have to tell you this, but please don’t post all real estate all the time. People can’t connect with you if you’re one-dimensional. Give your followers a glimpse into who you are as a human. 

  • Share photos or stories from your personal life outside of real estate
  • Highlight hobbies, family events, or community involvement
  • Keep the tone positive and relatable
Screenshot of an Instagram carousel post that reads "& the things you don't" referring to the things most don't see in the professional side of an agent's life. There are 6 pictures of the agent with his family participating in different activities.
Share your personal side along with your professional side. (Source: Instagram)

31. Show Off Your Pets

I don’t know about you, but I can’t resist a good dog video. Animals stop the scroll. Period. So, don’t be afraid to exploit your furry friends to boost your engagement with your real estate social media posts. I love to share cute pics of my fur babies! 🐶 But you can also share pics of other animals or your clients’ furry friends.

  • Share photos of your pets or cute animals you encounter on the job
  • Highlight pet-friendly properties or local pet businesses
  • Encourage followers to share pictures of their furry friends
Screenshot of an Instagram post with two small whit dogs wearing black handkerchiefs around their necks that read Compass. They're sitting on a white sofa next to a sign that says "Said yes to the Address. Diana Amann. Compass."
Pets sell! Add a few shots of any dogs, cats, or other animals to boost engagement. (Source: Instagram)

Tips to Boost Engagement With Your Real Estate Social Media Posts

At its core, social media is all about being social. So, don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through in your social media real estate posts. Mix it with various content, including lots of video, showcasing your expertise and your unique brand of awesomeness. Share your real estate knowledge, your passion for helping others achieve their dreams, and your “why”—whether that’s guiding clients to their perfect home, empowering investors, or building generational wealth. 

Remember, your vibe attracts your tribe, so keep it authentic. Embrace what makes you, YOU, and let that shine through in every post. Your ideal clients will be drawn to your genuine energy like moths to a flame. So, go ahead and be the unapologetically amazing agent you are—your social media game will thank you for it. Here are some other tips for social media success: 

  • Use stories: Instagram Stories are how others can share your content, extending its reach beyond your followers and encouraging the algorithms to boost your content. You don’t need 100 real estate posts for social media when you’re being strategic.
  • Share other people’s content: The more you engage with others’ content, the more visible you become. Share content adjacent to yours, like cool listings in areas near you.
  • Use infographics for heavier content: When sharing important content, make it visual and easily digestible with an eye-catching infographic. I make these in Canva using one of their stunning templates.
  • Engage with your community: Like and reply to comments on your posts to keep your followers engaged with your content.
  • Embrace video: The easiest way to get higher engagement is to use video. The statistics are in, and video trumps all other content for engagement by 34%. So, if you haven’t started yet, start learning to make videos for your social media platforms.
  • Be authentic: In a time when artificial intelligence (AI) is permeated everywhere, your audience wants to engage with you as a human. Don’t be something you’re not because your followers will sniff out your fake persona. Just be you and your people will find and connect with you. 
 Screenshot of a text conversation between a real estate agent and a buyer client that discusses why the buyers aren't interested in a house without a tan couch in it.
Any chance to share the struggle is great for your fellow agents. (Source: Facebook)

Your Take

Social media is a must-have in today’s real estate industry. Learning to use it to market your listings and your brand takes time and practice. Hopefully, this list of real estate social media post ideas gives you a jump-start on your social media marketing strategy. 

Did I miss any social post ideas you have used and love? Share with us in the comments.