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This beautiful podcast-to-video tool will ramp up your marketing

This audio-to-video podcast tool helps podcasters to market smarter on social media and attract new listeners with options like soundwaves and subtitles.

podcast recording

Everybody and their brother has a podcast (it’s true, look it up). So, it only makes sense that tech companies would begin creating services to cater towards podcasters.

Such is the case with Veed, a new tool created to turn audio podcast to video. This allows podcasters to share their audio in video files to attract a bigger audience, effectively enhancing their marketing strategies.

According to the website, “Easily create podcast videos online, add a soundwave and your artwork and reach bigger audiences. There is no native way to share your podcasts on social media. With VEED you can turn your podcast into a video, add your podcast artwork and add a waveform too. Now you can reach and grow your podcast audience across all your social channels. Our online video editor is the only place to create stunning animated waveform video in real time. Perfect for podcast videos, radio shows, poetry, music, spoken word and any other audio medium.”

Features include: podcast video maker, subtitles and captions, animated waveforms, podcast artwork, and live chat assistance. You can also crop and trim the video within the editor. For subtitles, you can add in auto subtitles, add text to video; with the editor you can also add in different video effects.

The creation is done in three simple steps of uploading the audio podcast, using the audiogram generator, and downloading the resulting video.

Additionally, the audiogram generator allows you to create a soundwave in order to help visualize the spoken work, radio, poetry, music, etc. This is ideal for making clips of audio to upload as video to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to potentially attract a new listener by grabbing their attention in an introductory, bite-sized way.

It can be hard to attract new listeners, so this is a way to let them dip their toe in the water without feeling like they’re fully committing to something. You can create a call to action of “check out more” by including the full link within the post.

There are free options of use available that include watermarks. Non-watermark versions start at $18 per month.

This story first published on AG in November 2019.

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Staff Writer, Taylor Leddin is a publicist and freelance writer for a number of national outlets. She was featured on Thrive Global as a successful woman in journalism, and is the editor-in-chief of The Tidbit. Taylor resides in Chicago and has a Bachelor in Communication Studies from Illinois State University.


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