Every top-producing listing agent I know agrees that there are only three things agents need to do to win every listing appointment: 1. Be prepared, 2. Be prepared, and 3. BE PREPARED. So, for you to have the best chances of getting new listing clients, I’ve gathered all the best tips and strategies to prepare for your listing appointment. If you’re short on time, you can simply download the listing appointment checklist PDF here:

Preview image of The Close's Listing Appointment Checklist.
Download The Close’s Listing Appointment Checklist

1. Research the Property & Neighborhood

During the listing appointment, the sellers expect you to know essential details about the potential listing. You must have information about the property’s number of bedrooms and bathrooms, lot size, and features. You should also gather details about the neighborhood, including nearby amenities, the types of homes, and information on how those properties are selling. This info will help you lead into your comparative market analysis and further prove your expertise and pricing strategy.

This information is easy to find on the MLS or real estate portals like Zillow or Realtor.com. Realtor.com listings include property details, a monthly payment calculator, and neighborhood details.

Most importantly, familiarize yourself with the potential challenges of the property. Start by learning some of the common reasons homes don’t sell. This knowledge will allow you to potentially avoid any problems or simply open an honest line of communication with the sellers about the challenges they’re likely to face. This upfront work will demonstrate your expertise and build trust with the sellers. It will also make it easier to have a price reduction conversation later on, if necessary.

2. Research Comparable Properties in a CMA

Conducting a comparative market analysis (CMA) is integral to your listing appointment checklist. Many sellers will expect it, and all potential sellers will benefit from seeing the data about similar homes in their area. Creating a CMA will help you understand the local market dynamics and create an effective pricing strategy.

Your CMA should include: 

  • Historical and current property data
  • Comparable properties
  • Market trends and statistics
  • Potential pricing and marketing strategy
Comparative market analysis (CMA) template from The Close
Free CMA template (Source: The Close)

Pro tip: Since so many homebuyers and sellers use Zillow, it’s a safe bet that your sellers will know what the app says their home may be worth. You may want to consider including information about how accurate or inaccurate their home’s Zestimate is within your listing presentation and CMA. Reference our guide for yourself or your clients: How Accurate Is the Zillow Zestimate? The Truth Behind the Numbers

3. Anticipate Seller Questions

When you think about what a listing appointment is, it’s primarily an opportunity for you and the homesellers to communicate openly and ask each other plenty of questions. Agents need to ask questions to learn more about the listing, the clients, and how they can create the best partnership, and clients need to ask questions to understand the process.

Make sure you’re prepared for questions that you may be asked during the listing appointment, like: 

  • How much experience do you have selling homes like ours?
  • How will you decide on the price of the home?
  • How long do you think the home will take to sell?
  • What do we need to do to list our home?
  • How do you handle real estate negotiations?
  • How can we buy a home and sell this one simultaneously?

You also need to ask your clients questions to learn more about the transaction and to set yourself up for success. Consider adding some of these questions to your listing presentation checklist:

  • What’s your motivation for selling your home?
  • What is the timeline you’re hoping for?
  • Are there any specific features or upgrades in your home that you believe add value?
  • Have you already started looking for a new home?
  • What’s the best way for us to communicate?
  • How involved do you want to be in the selling process?
  • Do you plan to make any repairs or updates before listing the property?
  • Do you have any questions or concerns about the selling process that I can address?
  • How can I best support you throughout the selling process?

4. Prepare for Potential Objections

As the agent and homeowners have an open dialogue about their questions, goals, concerns, and plans, they inevitably won’t agree on everything. It’s important to learn how to disagree and how to communicate your point of view. In fact, the most successful real estate agents know the most common seller objections and will be prepared for them during every client meeting. These objections include:

  • Commission objections
  • Pricing objections
  • Price reduction objections
  • Real estate market objections

Think through what objections you may encounter and prepare responses to these before your appointment. This preparation will show your confidence and expertise as a real estate professional and make your clients feel confident in your abilities.

5. Create a Digital & Physical Presentation

A visual presentation will ensure that your listing appointment displays professionalism and builds confidence and trust with potential clients. It’s great to offer sellers a printed product to look through and make notes during the meeting, but you can also create a digital presentation. 

Your presentation should follow the structure of your listing appointment, which should include a few important elements like: 

  • An introduction to yourself and your expertise
  • Current real estate market analysis (including the Zillow Zestimate and details about its accuracy)
  • Comparative market analysis (CMA)
  • Marketing plan for the property
  • Tips to prepare the home for the market
  • An explanation of your role, responsibilities, and what to expect
  • Contracts and documentation to take the next steps

For details about what a listing presentation is and everything that should be included, visit our guide on What You Need for a Killer Listing Presentation—plus get a free Canva template.

listing presentation template
Example listing presentation (Source: Agent Crate)

Then, use Agent Crate to ensure your listing presentation—whether it’s digital or physical—looks polished and professional. Agent Crate offers different listing presentation templates, plus tips and tricks on creating one to help you impress your clients.

6. Create a Marketing Plan

During the listing appointment, discuss with the homesellers exactly how you plan to market their home for the maximum views and best offers. Your marketing strategy will show potential clients you are experienced and well-prepared to help them reach their goals.

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel—you can use a similar listing marketing plan for every listing you get! The plan you show the leads should include the following:

  • Real estate photography and videography
  • Writing a strong property description 
  • Syndicating the listing from the MLS to Zillow, Realtor.com, Trulia, and others
  • Hosting an open house
  • Print marketing like postcards, flyers, and yard signs
  • Digital marketing like social media, online ads, and single-property websites
  • Distribution strategies to your network, like email marketing, Facebook groups, and neighborhood websites
Just listed postcard template from PostcardMania featuring a house, house details, and real estate agent.
Sample real estate listing on a postcard (Source: PostcardMania)

7. Prepare for the Next Steps

While a listing appointment does not guarantee a new client, you should come prepared for any sellers ready to dive in. Bring any documentation that needs to be signed to legally start working with the clients, like your listing agreement, disclosures, and contracts. Make sure you also set up a communication system and send your new clients away with tasks for them to move forward.

Tips for a Successful Listing Appointment

Preparing well and using our listing appointment checklist will go a long way to help you run a successful meeting and convert the sellers into clients. However, there are a few additional ways to set yourself up for success:

  • Practice, practice, practice: Until you’ve lost count of the number of listing appointments you’ve done, practice ahead of time to build your confidence. Make your presentation in a mirror or to a trusted friend to give you honest and constructive feedback.
  • Confirm the appointment: Text or email about 24-48 hours before the appointment to confirm that the sellers have it on their schedule.
  • Go outside of the MLS: When creating your CMA, look for hidden inventory (like pocket listings) to get even better data.
  • Be realistic and honest: Don’t try to be overly optimistic about the potential challenges your clients might face with their property or the market. They will trust you more if you give them factual, honest information.
  • Follow up: Don’t wait a week after the listing appointment to follow up with your clients. Check in with them a day or two after the appointment to keep communication lines open.


Bringing It All Together

Preparing for the meeting thoroughly is the best way to have a successful listing appointment that earns you new clients. Use our listing appointment checklist PDF to set yourself up for success and make the preparation process easy.

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