Getting a real estate license opens doors to many career opportunities. The real estate industry offers roles for various skill sets, from closing deals with clients to analyzing market trends. What can you do with a real estate license besides being an agent or broker? Read through as I explore the different career paths of real estate professionals, the average annual salary of each role, and the skills required to excel.

Key Takeaways

  • What jobs can you get with a real estate license? You can work as an appraiser, property manager, assistant, content creator, attorney—the list goes on. Each role has specific skill requirements and offers different average salaries.
  • Some roles demand unique skills. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is essential to finding the right path.
  • Success in the real estate industry requires continuous learning and staying updated on the latest news.

1. Real Estate Agent

  • Average salary: $90,506 per year
  • Required skills: Communication, negotiation, persuasion, and market knowledge
Real estate agent assisting a couple at a property showing

Whenever you ask, “What can you do with a real estate license?” the most common career path is to become a real estate agent. You can do this full-time or as a part-time real estate agent. In this role, you’ll represent buyers and sellers as they navigate the real estate transaction process. 

  • Buyer’s Agent: Accompany buyers on showings and provide counsel and advice through the property search, selection, negotiation, and contract process. You’ll also connect homebuyers with the necessary area professionals (like mortgage brokers, inspectors, appraisers, and more) to help them reach the finish line.
  • Seller’s Agent: Offer counsel to sellers regarding the estimated value of their homes. You’ll also provide a listing strategy, including price, marketing, open houses, etc., and you’ll help them negotiate in the offer process—ultimately getting them at the closing table.

The requirements to become a real estate agent vary per state. Some states only require 40 hours of prelicensing education, while some need more than a hundred hours. Still unsure whether you want to help clients close deals? Read our article on the pros and cons of being a real estate agent.

2. Real Estate Managing Broker

  • Average salary: $104,418 per year
  • Required skills: Leadership, management, mentoring, knowledge of real estate laws and regulations
Five people in a meeting room discussing ideas

Real estate managing brokers wear many hats, but generally, they’re responsible for managing real estate agents. In this role, managing brokers advise agents and provide them with mentorship and professional development. Depending on the structure of a brokerage, they’re also responsible for various elements of office management.

To become a real estate broker, you must complete additional education requirements set by your state in addition to your prelicensing education. You’ll also need some experience and pass the broker’s licensing exam. Do you have what it takes to be a real estate managing broker? Do you want a leadership role at a brokerage? Read our article on the difference between an agent and a broker.

3. Real Estate Instructor

  • Average salary: $63,144 per year
  • Required skills: Communication, passion for teaching, in-depth knowledge of real estate principles and practices
Over shoulder view of a female student attending a virtual class at home

Besides being an agent or broker, one of the jobs with a real estate license is as an instructor. Real estate instructors teach aspiring and seasoned agents prelicensing and continuing education courses. They cover real estate laws, transaction processes, and ethics to help students obtain and maintain their licenses. If you’re passionate about teaching and want to impart knowledge to aspiring real estate professionals, this job is for you.

Instructors use various teaching methods, including classroom lectures and interactive online discussions. Additionally, instructors must stay updated on real estate laws and market trends and quickly adapt to new real estate developments.

4. Real Estate Analyst

  • Average salary: $86,818 per year
  • Required skills: Market research, analytical, and data analysis
Man holding his smartphone in front of a monitor

One technical job with a real estate license is as an analyst. Real estate analysts examine trends and interpret data to provide insights and recommendations for property investments, developments, and other transactions. In addition to observing market trends, they analyze property values and evaluate potential risks. They use all their findings to help clients make informed decisions about leasing, buying, selling, or developing properties.

If you love finance and economics and want to work as a real estate analyst, you must gain relevant experience in real estate firms or financial institutions. Staying informed about market trends and the economic climate would be best. 

5. Real Estate Writer

Person sitting in front of a laptop while typing

What can you do with a realtor license, you ask? Writing might be the right path if you want to create informative real estate pieces. Real estate writers produce many types of content, such as articles, market reports, strategy guides, copy, and property listing descriptions. If you want to be a real estate writer, prepare to write for various audiences, including home buyers, sellers, and other industry professionals. Some real estate writers can work freelance for brokerages, media organizations, or online real estate publications (like The Close!).

To succeed in this role, you must understand real estate terms and market trends to provide accurate information. Writers must also be adept at SEO techniques to boost their content’s readership and reach a broader audience.

6. Property Manager

  • Average salary: $59,796 per year
  • Required skills: Communication, financial management, problem-solving, and knowledge of landlord-tenant laws
Portrait of a property manager next to a red 'for rent' sign

Property managers handle the daily operations of various properties for owners. You can work for landlords, investors, or building owners by screening tenants, preparing lease agreements, showing properties, and collecting rent. As a property manager, you’ll ensure properties are well-maintained, meet safety standards, and address tenant concerns.

Property managers are also in charge of the financial aspects of these properties. They create budgets, set rental fees, monitor expenses, and report finances to owners. To become a property manager, you must have relevant experience in property management assistance or tenant relations. Some states require certifications like Certified Property Manager, Certified Apartment Leasing Professional, and Master Property Manager will boost your credentials.

For property managers seeking an efficient tool to help manage properties’ finances seamlessly, try TenantCloud. It provides features like online rent collection, tenant screening, and maintenance tracking.

7. Real Estate Coach

  • Average salary: $40,970 per year
  • Required skills: Leadership, communication, coaching, mentoring, motivational, and industry knowledge
Woman speaking at a conference

Some other jobs that require a real estate license are as coaches and trainers. Real estate coaches mentor industry professionals to enhance their skills and grow their businesses. Coaches empower agents, brokers, and other real estate professionals by boosting their confidence and promoting career growth. They pinpoint areas where their clients need to improve, conduct one-on-one sessions and workshops, and give continuous feedback. 

Want to coach your fellow industry members? Start by developing your communication skills, managing clients, and producing training materials. Then, work towards marketing yourself, coaching a few clients, and staying updated on training techniques.

Once you work as a real estate coach, you can also be one of the best motivational speakers at industry events. Sharing your insights and success stories can inspire others and establish you as a thought leader in the industry. You may also write a book and create courses to reach a bigger audience and expand your network.

8. Real Estate Attorney

  • Average salary: $140,845 per year
  • Required skills: Real estate law expertise, legal research, analytical, attention to detail, logical reasoning, and problem-solving
A real estate lawyer with a small wooden house and a wooden hammer on his desk

A real estate lawyer manages the legal aspects of property transactions, helping clients navigate the complexities of leasing, buying, and selling. They prepare papers like leasing agreements, eviction notices, title documents, and mortgage contracts and perform title searches to confirm property ownership. Real estate attorneys address all legal concerns while representing tenants, buyers, and sellers.

If you want to be a real estate attorney, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in pre-law, complete law school and earn a Juris Doctor degree, then pass your state’s bar exam. Lawyers can skip prelicensing education in some states to earn a real estate license. 

9. Home Inspector

  • Average salary: $60,383 per year
  • Required skills: Knowledge of building codes and attention to detail
A home inspector checking the building's structure after a renovation

Home inspectors assess properties to ensure they meet safety standards before the home sells. They thoroughly inspect a home’s structural elements, electrical systems, plumbing, and roofing, as well as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Home inspectors are detail-oriented as they identify faulty wiring, water leaks, or structural damages.

To become a home inspector, search for your state’s specific requirements. Typically, these include completing certain training hours and passing a certification exam. Additionally, joining organizations like the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors can offer more networking opportunities and continuing education.

10. Real Estate Investor

  • Average salary: $86,796 per year
  • Required skills: Market research and risk assessment
Man sitting on a chair in front of his computer

Real estate investors buy and sell properties to generate income. The process typically involves buying properties to rent out or renovating homes to sell at a higher price (aka flipping houses). Some investors also purchase land for future development. It takes so much courage to be a real estate investor. While the risk is very high, the potential rewards can be as significant. Always be prepared for market fluctuations, unexpected expenses, and property vacancies.

You may think you don’t need a real estate license to be an investor. While that may technically be true, you should still get a license to make real money doing it. When you’re an investor with a real estate license, you can represent yourself in the sale of your properties, saving you upward of 6% (the typical commission for residential real estate sales). In addition, you can also represent yourself in the purchase of real estate, allowing you to either pocket the commission or negotiate it off the top of the sales price.

Want to start learning about real estate investing? Read Kiavi’s insightful eBook on Flipping Houses 101:

11. Real Estate Appraiser

  • Average salary: $61,060 per year
  • Required skills: Market research, analytical, and knowledge of appraisal techniques
a man in a blue colllar looking up while holding a paper.

Real estate appraisers evaluate properties and assess their values before they are insured, mortgaged, or sold. They look into all variables that may impact a property’s value, such as past homeownership, renovations, and developments. If you’re considering working as an appraiser, you must know about local market trends and conditions to succeed. In addition to appraising properties, appraisers also update public records. They note any changes that may impact properties’ values.

To become an appraiser, you must complete real estate appraiser courses, work as a trainee, find a mentor to supervise you, and then pass your state’s appraiser licensing exam.

12. Real Estate Assistant

  • Average salary: $45,545 per year
  • Required skills: Administrative, communication, and organizational
Woman talking on the phone with a client

Another answer to your “What can you do with a real estate license” question is to assist agents and brokers. Real estate assistants help manage the day-to-day operations of brokerages. They receive visitors at a brokerage, respond to emails, answer the phone, schedule appointments, and organize paperwork. If you want to work as an assistant for an agent or broker, your responsibilities will include coordinating property showings, handling client inquiries, and creating property listings. You’ll nail this role if you’re good at juggling multiple responsibilities.

13. Real Estate Content Creator

A real estate professional recording a vlog in front of a ring light and mobile phone

Working as a content creator can be fun if you love creating various types of content and actively engaging with your audience. As a real estate content creator, you’ll produce high-quality social media content to attract new clients and retain existing ones. You’ll share your real estate insights, property listings, virtual house tours, and other relevant topics on your Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.

You can start by gathering social media post ideas for your platforms. Learn about the latest digital marketing strategies and analytics tools to know which types of content work best for your target audience. You can also partner with other real estate brands, software, or platforms and promote them on your page to earn extra income.

FAQs: What Can You Do With a Real Estate License

Bringing It All Together

You’re still probably asking, “What can I do with my real estate license?” Choosing the right real estate career takes many considerations. Assessing your skills, interests, and long-term goals is essential in finding a path that suits you best. I’m sure there are more jobs you can get with a real estate license besides the ones listed above. What did I miss? Please share them in the comments below!